Love eNZees? Get Two FREE bags…
Do you love eNZees, but can’t find it locally? Help us spread the wool! We are always looking for new outdoor gear shops, health and natural grocery stores, and other new retail opportunities. Tell your favorite local retailer about us, and if they place an order, we’ll send you two FREE full-size bags of eNZees Foot Soother.
Here’s how it works:
Tell your local outdoor gear or shoe shop, independent grocer, or health and wellness store how much you love eNZees. Feel free to send them to our website or show them this video of how it works.
Ask them to email [email protected] for more information or to place an order. Remember to give them your name as a reference!
If they order, we’ll send you two free bags of eNZees Foot Soother as a thank you!
If eNZees Foot Soother has saved your sole, help others experience the wonder of foot wool.
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